Arms of War (Generals, Lineage, Kings)

While I've never written a blog post (ever), I do enjoy reading them from many different sources. I've read the ones that Christopher has written and relate to them very well. I also appreciate the kind words he says in public at least. Another blog that I followed closely is the Factorio game blog. Each week a new post came out detailing what the team worked on; or provided a deep dive into some of the concepts. As a player this made me really get involved in their work, and learned about the core mechanics. While I don't expect that I'll write this as often as they did, I would like to provide everyone interested with a similar level of insight to what we're working on behind the scenes at Arms of War.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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What an awesome backstory.

That’s pretty cool that you guys can take a shared experience as inspiration for an expansion of the AoW universe.

Is there any general timeline for when we might see Lineage?