It’s a shame that this got cancelled, I loved the challenge of trying to stay up until 2am. Only every got it once but had fun trying.
Haha yeah, it was fun while it lasted.
There have been talks some of the devs in chat about doing a pbbg-radio, but we’ll see if that goes anywhere. Maybe once our game list grows a bit maybe we could get in touch with some other devs for guest chats and such.
You might catch us again at 2am just yet!
You told us in Imperial Chat (the main game of IC and only one that I recognise) that you were making it earlier (and the last IC radio was earlier but I stayed up til 4am and still managed to miss it). Maybe that could be discussed when deciding a time.
The main problem is that Imperial Conflict does not have any concept of wave amplifiers like Planetarion, which makes it much harder for players to enjoy off-game community.
our wave guitars are mostly acoustic, wave amplifiers would just be a questionable investment