It was mostly complete on its second version, and had a cool little map and some basic rpg style questing + pvp arena. I have fond memories of it and it’s silly humor. There was a defensive item called The Beard of Justice, and the highest level boss was a randomly spawning Jean Luc Picard. It was also fun that you could go fishing and use your catch as both food or a weapon (hence the game’s name).
It has some funny bugs too. The luck character stat was crazy overpowered, I remember one of my best buds created a character named O’Malley, and on every level up would push only his luck stat and totally destroy everybody else in any fight. When they got mad at him abusing the system he would say it’s just “The luck of the Irish” haha.
Ah… memories. I’m looking fwd to rebuilding it to test out Lumen.